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综合 江门特产有哪些 江门有哪些特产

江门是广东的地级城市,有着非常悠久的历史,更有着“中国第一侨乡”的美誉,今天就来盘点江门有哪些特产吧!江门特产一:恩平烧饼新会大叶年桔是广东江门的特色水果,江门有着优越的地理环境,这里气候宜人,雨量丰 ……

百科 Hypocrisy on refugees

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT ……

休闲 China, Japan and S.Korea should meet, exchange and cooperate more frequently

File PhotoEditor's Note:The ninth China-Japan-ROK trilateral summit meeting will be held in Seoul on ……

探索 Promoting countries to respect sovereignty a reflection of China’s new security concept

Illustration: Chen Xia/GTAccording to the UN definition, national sovereignty is "a core principle o ……

焦点 香猪肉和猪肉的区别 香猪肉和普通猪肉一样吗

香猪肉和猪肉有成熟期、口感、外观的区别,香猪肉和普通猪肉不一样。香猪肉是小香猪,又名迷你猪,原来产于少数民族的山区,在古时候数量较少,是皇亲贵族的专享佳肴,具有香味浓郁、肉质细腻、营养丰富的特点。香猪 ……

热点 The historical new coordinates on the journey of Chinese modernization: Global Times editorial

The third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee is presided o ……

百科 Farce of new US tariffs on China this time doesn't even match the lines: Global Times editorial

Illustration: Liu Rui/GTOn May 14 local time, the Biden administration announced "severe" new tariff ……

百科 Be wary of hawkish rhetoric in Canada to hinder ties with China despite positive signs

China Canada Photo: VCGOn Saturday, Melanie Joly concluded a three-day trip to China, the first visi ……

百科 中国最亏本的十部电影 至今赔钱最多的10大国产片

中国最亏本的十部电影《奇门遁甲》、《太极侠》、《鲛珠传》、《太平轮》、《机器之血》、《急先锋》、《封神传奇》、《长城》、《紧急救援》、《阿修罗》至今赔钱最多的10大国产片,一部比一部雷人,第一亏损高达 ……

娱乐 Urgent call to clear toxicity of SCS arbitration award

Illustration: Liu Rui/GTWith the approach of the 8th anniversary of the illegal award on the South C ……
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